Tropical Slopes of Ecuador Birdwatching and Naturalist Tour
10 Days/ 9 Nights
DAY 1 – Western Slope - High Elevation Cloud Forest Quito – Yanacocha – Mindo
6am: The tour begins with an early morning Quito Hotel pick up and then heading down the western slope towards the Mindo area. Coffee is served before birdwatching at high altitude Yanacocha Reserve.
Enjoy the Sword-Billed Hummingbird, Scarlet-
Bellied Mountain Tanager, Sapphire-Vented Puffleg, Shiny Sunbeam Hummingbirds just to get the day started. Lunch at Yanacocha Reserve. Continue
along the eco route to Mindo stopping along the way for birdwatching opportunities.
4pm: Arrive Casa Divina Lodge. Dinner and
Lodging at Casa Divina Lodge.
DAY 2 - Mindo – Casa Divina Reserve – San Lorenzo Ridge
Birdwatching and coffee on the Observation Deck at Casa Divina Lodge. Continuing on to the trails of Casa Divina Reserve until breakfast.
After breakfast head out to the San Lorenzo Ridge to spot where it’s possible to see a variety of toucans: the endemic Choco Toucan, Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan, Rufous Motmot, Guayaquil Woodpecker, Blue-Necked Tanager are often spotted along this route. Sack lunch on the trail.
Afternoon Return to Casa Divina. Dinner and
lodging at Casa Divina Lodge.
DAY 3 - Cock-of-the-Rock Lek and Cloud Forest Reserves
5:15am: Early morning departure. Andean Cock-of- the-rock observation at Paz de Las Aves Reserve.
Continue on after the lek to observe bird species that are difficult to spot. Ochre-reasted and Moustached Antpittas, among others. Country breakfast at the reserve observation area. After breakfast either continue climbing to see higher altitude cloud forest species like the Plate-Billed Mountain Toucan or the Tanager Finch, or stop at a few lower elevation feeding stations to observe tanagers like the Black-chinned Mountain Tanager, many hummingbirds and possibly the endemic Toucan Barbet. Picnic Lunch on the trail.
Afternoon return to Casa Divina Lodge.
Dinner and lodging at Casa Divina Lodge.
DAY 4 - Rio Silanche Reserve and Tower
5:30am Early morning departure to lower elevation reserve where a picnic breakfast will be served while birdwatching at tree level on the Rio Silanche Tower.
A few species that might be seen are: Black-
Cheeked Woodpecker, Scarlet-Breasted Dacnis, Orange-Fronted Barbet, White-Bearded Manakin, Blue-tailed Trogon, White-tailed Trogon. After the tower observation there are some nature trails for continued birdwatching. Picnic Lunch at the reserve.
Afternoon return to Casa Divina Lodge.
Dinner and lodging at Casa Divina Lodge.
DAY 5 - Amagusa Reserve – Oilbird Cave
5:30am Early morning departure to the northernmost reserve on this tour located in the Choco Andean Corridor. Picnic breakfast at Amagusa Reserva feeding station where hummingbirds and tropical tanagers abound.
Orange-Breasted Fruiteater, Moss-Backed Tanager, Glistening-Green Tanager, Black Solitary are but a few of the fantastic species you’ll be able to spot at this special reserve. Explore the cloud forest while walking the reserve trails. Continue on to the Oilbird cave where dozens of individuals can be spotted together in this very unique environment. Country lunch served at the reserve.
Afternoon return to Casa Divina Lodge.
Dinner and lodging at Casa Divina Lodge.
DAY 6 - Umbrella Bird / Milpe Reserve – Continue on to Eastern Slope
Option 1: Umbrella Bird Reserve
5am Early morning departure. Observe the unusual sounds and sights of the Long-Wattled Umbrella Bird. Country breakfast after observation. Possible to spot the Red-billed Parrot, Bronze-winged Parrot, Beryl-spangled Tanager, Laughing Falcon.
Option 2: Milpe Reserve
6am Departure. Beautiful reserve managed by a local conservation foundation. Easy flat trails. Picnic breakfast at Reserve. Hummingbird and Tanager feeder observation. Club- winged Manakin, Golden-headed Quetzal, Collared Aracari, Green Thorntail Hummingbird, Crowned Woodnymph Hummingbird.
Return to Casa Divina Lodge for In-House Lunch. Check out at Casa Divina Lodge.
2pm Depart for Eastern Slope.
Arrive at a cloud forest reserve on the eastern slope of Ecuador to a charming lodge nestled along the Papallacta River.
Dinner and lodging at high elevation eastern slope reserve.
DAY 7 - Eastern Slope High Elevation Cloud Forest Reserve
6am: Start the day enjoying a wonderful variety of hummingbirds at the feeders. Breakfast at the lodge followed by birdwatching on the reserve trails.
Possible to spot Tourmaline Sunangel, Collared Inca, Buff-winged Starfrontlet Hummingbirds. The Torrent Duck is often spotted along the Papallacta River.
Catch the Cinnamon Flycatcher and the Black-Crested Warbler as well. Lunch at the lodge. Depart for lower elevation reserve.
Dinner and lodging at lower elevation cloud forest lodge.
After dinner search for the San Isidro Owl.
DAY 8 - Lower Elevation Cloud Forest Reserves
6am: Birdwatching at lower elevation cloud forest reserve. Breakfast at the lodge and trail exploration in the eserve. Bird watching does not disappoint here. Spot the Green Jay, Chestnut-breasted Coronet, Long-tailed Sylph, Gorgeted Woodstar, Montane Foliage-gleaner. After lunch continue on to our final cloud forest lodge where the sub tropical humid forest meets the upper amazon. Afternoon Hummingbird observation at reserve feeders like Wire-crested Thorntail, Napo Sabrewing, Violet-headed Hummingbird.
Dinner and lodging at upper Amazon lodge.
DAY 9 - Full Day Upper Amazon
6am: Full day of birdwatching at Upper Amazon Reserve. There are many trails to choose from in order to see fabulous eastern slope species Golden-collared Toucanet, Gilded Barbet, Chestnut-fronted Macaw.
Lunch and Dinner at upper Amazon Lodge.
After dinner look for the Band-bellied Owl.
DAY 10 - Upper Amazon – Quito. End of Tour.
6am: Breakfast followed by birdwatching at upper amazon reserve. Opportunities to observe Black-
breasted Mango, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Gould’s Jewelfront Hummingbirds. Sometimes it’s possible to see the Plain-backed Antpitta, Short-tailed Anthrush, White- crowned Manakin, Spotted Tanager. Lunch at lodge.
Time to say goodbye to magical cloud forest of
2pm: Depart for Quito or next destination. End of